Our Admissions
is simple

We understand that quick access to quality care is the top priority for potential clients. We've streamlined the admissions process to ensure clients start care as soon as possible.

Senior Care


Anyone can make a referral to our program! Referrals can be made by family members, healthcare providers, or directly by the individual in need of care. The agency gathers preliminary information about the patient's needs and living situation to determine initial eligibility. This step sets the foundation for personalized care and ensures that the process is smooth and efficient from the start.

Patient Evaluation

Once a referral is made, the agency conducts a comprehensive evaluation of the patient. This assessment includes a detailed review of the patient's medical history, daily living needs, and current support system. The evaluation may involve home visits, consultations with healthcare providers, and discussions with family members. The goal is to understand the patient's unique needs and to develop a tailored care plan that enhances their quality of life.

Senior exercise
Senior Care

Qualify Caregiver Candidate

During the patient evaluation process, potential caregivers are also assessed for suitability. The agency verifies that caregivers meet the required qualifications, including background checks, experience, and the ability to provide a safe and supportive environment. Caregivers must demonstrate a genuine commitment to caring for the patient and the capacity to manage the patient's specific needs. This thorough vetting process ensures that caregivers are well-prepared and capable of delivering high-quality care.

Physician Certification

A crucial step in the process is obtaining physician certification. The patient’s primary care physician or specialist must certify that the patient qualifies for Adult Foster Care services based on their medical condition and care needs. This certification is necessary for program enrollment and helps to validate the care plan developed by the agency. The physician’s input ensures that the care provided aligns with the patient’s medical requirements.

Senior exercise
Senior Care

Caregiver Onboarding

Once a caregiver is qualified and physician certification is obtained, the onboarding process begins. The agency provides the caregiver with comprehensive training and resources to equip them with the necessary skills and knowledge. This training covers topics such as patient care techniques, emergency procedures, and patient-specific skills. The caregiver is also introduced to the agency’s support network, ensuring they have access to ongoing assistance and guidance throughout their caregiving journey.

The most common Questions

Patient FAQs

How do I qualify as a patient?
Do I need to own my home?
How much does this service cost?

Caregiver FAQs

How do I qualify as a caregiver?
Where am I required to live?
Am I compensated?